JA Comenius monument in Fulnek

A short distance from the square in Fulnek, you can visit the JA Comenius Museum. In the building of the former fraternal choir in Fulnek, where JA Comenius teacher of the nations, priest, writer, cartographer, important Czech pedagogue from the time when he worked in Fulnek in the years 1618-21, his Monument was opened, which became a National Cultural Monument. Here you can view a permanent exhibition about the life and work of JA Comenius, also...
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Other places in the vicinity - JA Comenius Memorial in Fulnek

Castle Fulnek

Castle Fulnek



Castle in Fulnek

Castle in Fulnek

church of st. Joseph

Fulnek - church of St. Joseph

Knurr Palace in Fulnek

Knurr Palace in Fulnek

Castle Garden


A walk through Fulnek

A walk through Fulnek

Fulnek - town hall

Fulnek - town hall

Tourist stamp
