Blansko - beech tree near the town hall

Blansko - beech tree near the town hall

Blansko - other attractions in the vicinity

Memorial alley near Nový Dvorů

Memorial alley near Nový Dvorů

In Novodvorská aleja

Novodvorská alej

Rudick pear tree

Rudick pear tree

Larch Trojak

Larch Trojak

Elm near Adast

Adamov - elm near Adast

Memorial pine on the grounds

Vranov near Brno - memorial pine in the grounds

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Vilémovice lindens

Vilémovice lindens

Edomnica - Rough linden

Edomnica - Rough linden

Million's beech tree under Babí lom

Million's beech tree

A massive linden tree dominates the local village

Karsová - heart-shaped linden in the village

Beech trees at the Zenker monument

Beech trees at the Zenker monument

Spruce at Výpustek

Spruce at Výpustek

Drásovská mill pear

Drásovská mill pear

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Czech - memorial royal walnut tree

Czech - memorial royal walnut tree

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