On the Strember square

On the Strember square

the top statue of PM

Frenštát pod Radhoštěm - a column with a statue of the Virgin Mary

Frenštát pod Radhoštěm - statue of St. Jan Nepomucký

Frenštát pod Radhoštěm - statue of St. Jan Nepomucký

Masaryk Square in Novojičín

Masaryk Square in Novojičín

Štramberská Trúba

Štramberk Castle - Trúba

Nová Horka Castle in Studénka (opened on September 28.9.2020, XNUMX)

Nová Horka Castle in Studénka (opened on September 28.9.2020, XNUMX)

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Radhošť - statue of Radegast


Hermitages - Libušín and Maměnka

Štramberské náměstí

Štramberské náměstí

Church of St. John of Nepomuk in Štramberk

Church of St. John of Nepomuk in Štramberk

lock from the station...

On a tour of the interiors of Bílové Castle

Bílovec - Silesian Square

Bílovec - Silesian Square

Bílovec - church of St. Nicholas

Bílovec - church of St. Nicholas

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Bílovec - chapel of St. Barbara

Bílovec - chapel of St. Barbara

the execution house building

Odry - execution house

Odry - Marian column on nám. TGM

Odry - Marian column on nám. TGM

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facade of the church of St. Nicholas

Bílovec - church of St. Nicholas

Starý Jičín - church of St. Václav

Starý Jičín - church of St. Václav

Odry - church of St. Bartholomew

Odry - church of St. Bartholomew

Guardian of the Beskydy Mountains

Beskyd na Horečky ranger

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Nový Jičín - city theater

Nový Jičín - city theater

Nový Jičín - city cinema

Nový Jičín - city cinema

Novojičín Chapel of the Holy Cross

Novojičín Chapel of the Holy Cross

Novojičín Church of the Holy Trinity

Novojičín Church of the Holy Trinity

Novojičín statues of St. Anthony and St. Ignatius

Novojičín statues of St. Anthony and St. Ignatius

Novojičín Spanish Chapel

Novojičín Spanish Chapel

Chapel of St. Roch and Šebestian in Fulnek

Chapel of St. Roch and Šebestian in Fulnek

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Church of St. Joseph at the Capuchin Monastery in Fulnek

Church of St. Joseph at the Capuchin Monastery in Fulnek

Fulnek - town hall

Fulnek - town hall

Church of the Holy Trinity in Fulnek

Castle in Fulnek

Castle in Fulnek

Workers' house in Odra

Workers' house in Odra

JA Comenius monument in Fulnek

JA Comenius monument in Fulnek

Beskydy Theater in Nové Jičín

Beskydy Theater in Nové Jičín

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The defunct observatory in Nové Jičín

The defunct observatory in Nové Jičín

Two villas of the Huckel family

Two villas of the Huckel family

Masaryk square - historical center in Nové Jičín

Masaryk square - historical center in Nové Jičín

Cinema Květen in Nové Jičín

Cinema Květen in Nové Jičín

Historic house near Laudon on the square in Nové Jičín

Historic house near Laudon on the square in Nové Jičín

Accommodation in Nové Jičín

Accommodation in Nové Jičín

Gothic castle - Starý Jičín

Gothic castle - Starý Jičín

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