Residence, monument to those who died in the world wars.

The village of Obytce is located approximately six kilometers east of Klatov. Looking at the map, it turns out that only a third-class road passes through the village, and the main road and railway run at a greater distance from the village. In addition, the hills of the Plánický ridge rise towards the east, and only one road leads to them. Both the village and its surroundings have a kind of desolation. Perhaps that was one of the reasons this village...
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Other places in the vicinity - Residence, monument to those who died in the world wars.

Residence, chapel of St. Barbara

Residence, chapel of St. Barbara.

Residence, north side of the castle

Residence, castle and castle park.

Hemlocks, linden and pine

Kydlin linden trees.

Kydliny, church of St. Wenceslas

Kydliny, church of St. Wenceslas.

Chapel of the Virgin Mary on Strána near Čínov

Chapel of Our Lady on the Side.

White Tower

Klatovy - Dean's Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary

Mercandino Gardens, Empire Colonnade

Mercandino orchards in Klatovy.

Klatovy, glass pavilion

A trip to glass beauty.

PASK Klatovy glass pavilion

PASK Klatovy glass pavilion

Jever-winter world

Jever-winter world