Tombstone of Jan Kryštof Hartisch in Měděnec.

A figural tombstone from 1736 has been preserved in the cemetery in Měděnec. The tombstone belongs to Jan Kryštof Hartisch, who was an important miner of the Měděnec mine and a local burgher. In the center of the sandstone slab is a kneeling man before the crucified Christ. At his feet are crossed miner's hammers. In the lower right corner there is a German inscription which states that Jan Kryštof Hartisch was a local burgher and died on 7.2.1736/XNUMX/XNUMX in…
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Other places in the vicinity - Gravestone of Jan Kryštof Hartisch in Měděnec.

Body of God gallery near Měděnec.

Body of God gallery near Měděnec.

Promised Land Tunnel

Promised Land Tunnel

Monument to the victims of the fire in Měděnec.

Monument to the victims of the fire in Měděnec.

Měděnec: St. Mary's church




on Mědník: Mining Chapel

Copper Hill

The Promised Land tunnel - info board

Promised Land Tunnel