Museums of Šumperska ... and a little more

The aim of this trip is the various facilities of the Šumper National Museum, which are located, like the proverbial scattered corals, throughout the territory of the entire district, which was - at one time - the largest district of the republic. We wouldn't be able to do everything in one day, so we plan and approve a basic tour route in advance. In this case, the means of transport is also clearly offered; we choose a car…
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Other places in the vicinity - Muzea Šumperska ... and a little more

Church of St. Bartholomew

Zábřeh, Days of European Heritage - Parish Museum

in the tower of the former evangelical church

European Heritage Days 2013, part I. (Zábřeh)

Skalička castle - sign

Skalička Castle - Zábřeh na Morava

The castle does not impress with its size

Zábřeh - Skalička - castle

The column before the repair was pulled down with metal bands

Zábřeh - Marian column