Mladá Boleslav (Jewish cemetery)

In Mladá Boleslav in 2009, I toured the local Jewish cemetery together with journalists and representatives of domestic and foreign travel agencies.
In Mladá Boleslav, the long-time guide to the local Jewish monuments, Dr. Karel Herčík, who during the interpretation also recalled the time when he himself worked as an archivist with documents written in Hebrew and...
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Other places in the vicinity - Mladá Boleslav (Jewish cemetery)

Mladá Boleslav Jewish Cemetery

Mladá Boleslav Jewish Cemetery

a castle with a late Gothic bollwerk

Mladá Boleslav - castle and Mladoboleslavska Museum

Mladá Boleslav – Templ (Gothic palace and museum)

Mladá Boleslav – Templ (Gothic palace and museum)

Mlada Boleslav

Mlada Boleslav

Church of the Ascension PM

Mladá Boleslav - Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Mladá Boleslav Castle

Mladá Boleslav Castle

Replica of Metoděj Vlach's plane

Metoděj Vlach Aviation Museum in Mladá Boleslav