Měděnec under Mědník, sprites, copper maiden and Marzebilla

Vrch Mědník lacks ninety meters to be included among the thousand. What he certainly does not lack, however, is magic and mystery.
Once upon a time. That's how fairy tales begin. And today it was. And so beautifully, like a fairy tale. We visited the former well-known mining town of Měděnec, which is located on a plateau in the Ore Mountains below the Mědník hill (910 m above sea level). The city experienced the greatest glory associated with the mining…
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Other places in the vicinity - Měděnec pod Mědníkem, sprites, copper maiden and Marzebilla

Tombstone of Jan Kryštof Hartisch in Měděnec.

Tombstone of Jan Kryštof Hartisch in Měděnec.

Monument to the victims of the fire in Měděnec.

Monument to the victims of the fire in Měděnec.

Body of God gallery near Měděnec.

Body of God gallery near Měděnec.

Snake rock.

Snake rock.

Memorial in Horní Halža.

Memorial in Horní Halža.


Ore Mountains - Mědenec, Mědník and Marie Pomocné tunnel

Chapel on Mědník

Chapel on Mědník

Promised Land Tunnel

Promised Land Tunnel

The Promised Land tunnel - info board

Promised Land Tunnel