Small, Medium and Large Houkvice

At the beginning of this system of three forest ponds stood a large pond, which was called Haugvic (also Haugwitz or Haugwic) and received its name from Hanuš Haugvic of Biskupice, the owner of the Týniště manor in the years 1559-1577. The same name was also borne by the stream springing above Křivíčí, on which the pond was created - Haugvický (this is how it was still mentioned at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, e.g. in the Map of the district administration...
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Other places in the vicinity - Malá, Prostřední and Velká Houkvice

Hlinský rybník (Petrovice nad Orlicí, 1.9.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Clay pond

Deep pond (Ledce, 10.7.2022)

A deep pond near Ledce

View of the former mill in Mitrov (10.7.2022)

Mitrov (Polánky nad Dědinou)

Polánky nad Dědinou No. 60 (10.7.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Mill in Mitrov

Bridge over Orlica in Štěnkov

Bridge over Orlica in Štěnkov

School (Bolehošť, 10.7.2022)

School in Bolehošt

Nature reserve - U Houkvice

Nature reserve - U Houkvice

crossroads U Houkvice

tourist crossroads U Houkvice

Barriers near Petrovice

Barriers near Petrovice

cycle tourist signpost Petrovice - railway line

cycle tourist signpost Petrovice - railway line