Mách's lake and its beaches

Maybe even this year 2010, summer will come and then you will ask yourself the question "Where to water?". One option is to visit the "Bohemian Sea" - Máchovo Jezero and choose one of the many beaches that are offered here. I will try to bring them closer to you and describe them. 1. Main Doksy beach and Klůček beach - outdoor swimming pool. It offers: paddle boats, boats, canoes, windsurfing, steamboat trips, water attractions, netball, beach…
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Other places in the vicinity - Máchovo jezero and its beaches

Surfers on Mácháč

Mách Lake - Doksy and KHMáchy Museum

Jarmila's rock by Mách's lake

Jarmila's rock by Mách's lake

Mácho lake and May

Mácho lake and May