Lomnice - monument to Josef Uhr

The monument is located in the historical part of the town in the middle of Jewish Square. Josef Uher (1880-1908) was born in the nearby village of Podolí. From a young age, he was artistically gifted, devoted himself to the career of a writer. During his studies in Brno, he had important teachers: he studied music with Leoš Janáček, literature with the Mrštík brothers and art with Max Švabinský. After his studies, he taught at several schools in Brno (Babice u Rosic,...
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Interior of the Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary in Lomnica

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Genius Noci brewery in Lomnica and the statue of Gambrinus

Genius Noci brewery in Lomnica and the statue of Gambrinus

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above Lomnica

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