Leština - Chapel of St. Wenceslas

The village of Leština is located near the town of Zábřeh in the Šumper district. It is first mentioned in writing - in the land records of Olomouc - in 1392, but it is assumed that it existed much earlier. And I don't just mean the Bronze Age or the younger Iron Age, from which the finds come, proving the oldest settlement of this location. It belongs to the larger villages - some thirteen hundred people live here...
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Other places in the vicinity - Leština – chapel of St. Wenceslas

A monument to heroes

Leština - monument to HEROES of the USSR - Героям CCCP

St. Philomena

Leština - statue of St. Philomena

From St. Philomena near Leština

Vítošov - quarry

Cross dated 1796

Lesnice – in the church of St. Jakub Většího (visit due to the pandemic)

baroque tower

Lesnice near Zábřeh - church of St. Václav Vétšího

Vápenka Vitošov - open day

Vápenka Vitošov - open day

Limestone fragment

Leština – Vitošovský limestone

Druzstevní 9, Leština

Leština - homestead no. 9

The park is very modest

Leština - bird aviaries

Footbridge like new

Lesnice – restored footbridge over Loučka

Lesnice - view of the rychta (castle) upon arrival from Zábřeh - Photo: Ulrych Mir.
