Lemberk - Jablonné in Podještědí - Kunratice - Cvikov - Nový Bor

Another route through the Lusatian Mountains, offers the Lemberk castle, Zdislavina well, Markvartický pond, Basilica Minor St. Lawrence and St. Zdislavy, but also the observation tower in Jablonné, which offers a beautiful view of Jablonné and the surrounding area (among other things, you will also see a stork nest with little storks).
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Other places in the vicinity - Lemberk - Jablonné v Podještědí - Kunratice - Cvikov - Nový Bor

Crossroads Lemberk (pron.)

Crossroads Lemberk (pron.)

Markvartický pond

Markvartický pond

Baker's cross

Baker's cross

Plague column on us. Peace

Jablonné in Podještědí/Lemberk

Lemberk Castle, view from the south

Trip to Lemberk Castle.


Lemberk and Zdislavina well

Chateau Lemberk
