Lázy (Městečko Trnávka) - a well-kept Calvary

Apparently, only a very attentive tourist will notice the inconspicuously hidden classicist pillar Calvary from 1833, or what was left of it. Although this monument is sometimes referred to as a stone Crucifix, it is clear from its appearance that the name Calvary is more correct after all.
Among the parts that we can no longer admire today, unfortunately, is not only the…
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Other places in the vicinity - Lázy (Městečko Trnávka) - a well-kept Calvary

detail of the statue

Lázy (Městečko Trnávka) - statue of the Immaculate Virgin Mary with Child

chapel of St. Mark in Láze near Trnávka town

Lázy (town of Trnávka) - chapel of St. Mark

detail of the statue

Lázy (town of Trnávka) - statue of St. Jan Nepomucký

Marian Column

The town of Trnávka - Marian column

The town of Trnávka - the church of St. James the Elder

The town of Trnávka - the church of St. James the Elder

The rain won't spoil our mood.

Journey from Hanušovice to Austria (day 3)


Trnavka town

Behind the ruins of Cimburk in the town of Trnávka

Behind the ruins of Cimburk in the town of Trnávka

Cimburk Castle and Trnávka Town

Cimburk Castle and Trnávka Town