Spa Jeseník - Prague Spring (Prager Quelle)

In the area around the Jesenice spa on Studniční vrch, we can find a considerable number of springs, many of which have been modified over time in the form of various monuments, mounds and other small structures. They were mostly built by grateful patients, as a thank you for the relief that the water doctor Vincenz Priessnitz's methods brought them. Donors and initiators of these modifications used to be both patient groups and...
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Other places in the vicinity - Spa Jeseník - Prague Spring (Prager Quelle)

Small fountain on Masaryk square

Jeseník - Summer in the Balneopark

Jeseník Lego Museum

Jeseník Lego Museum

Bench on the central terrace

Spa Jeseník - Lavička

Entrance to the cafe

Spa Jeseník – Wiener Kaffeehaus

An autumn day at Medvědí kameni and in the Jeseník spa

An autumn day at Medvědí kameni and in the Jeseník spa

NS VP starting board at the bus station in Jeseník. The second is located near the train

NS Vincenz Priessnitz