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If we choose a train for the trip to Lanškroun, the best starting station is Česká Třebová, from where there are regular connections either directly to Lanškroun or to Rudoltice Railway in Bohemia, where it is necessary to change to a connecting motor train. The journey from Rudoltice to Lanškroun takes less than 10 minutes. If we are traveling from the direction of Olomouc hl.n, we will change to a motorized passenger train at Rudoltice railway station in Bohemia. From Olomouc, or…
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Other places in the vicinity - Lanškroun

A walk through Lanškroun

A walk through Lanškroun

in the center of Lanškroun


castle Rudoltice

Lanškroun and Tatenice

A walk to the Lanškroun ponds

A walk to the Lanškroun ponds

Lanškroun water world

Lanškroun water world

Mariánka lookout tower

The city of Lanškroun - pilgrimage site Mariánská hora - Mariánka lookout tower


Lanškroun – church of St. Mary Magdalene

Webcam Lanškroun

Webcam Lanškroun