Ore Mountains - Mědenec, Mědník and Marie Pomocné tunnel

The former mining village of Mědenec and its observation hill Mědník, known in German as Kupferhübel, 910 meters above sea level, is certainly one of the sought-after places in the Ore Mountains.
Since its inception, this mountain village has been associated with mining, with the mining of mainly iron and silver-bearing ore. The first mentions of mining in this location date back to 1449, but it is believed that mining has been going on here for much longer…
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Other places in the vicinity - Ore Mountains - Mědenec, Mědník and Marie Pomocné gallery

on Mědník: Mining Chapel

Copper Hill



Sphinxes near Měděnec

Sphinxes near Měděnec

Sphinxes near Měděnec: the rock closest to the road


Natural monument of the sphinx

Natural monument of the sphinx

Panoramic view from the top of Střední Špičák to the north towards Velké Špičá

Middle Spitz

Promised Land Tunnel

Promised Land Tunnel

Chapel on Mědník

Chapel on Mědník

The Promised Land tunnel - info board

Promised Land Tunnel