Church of St. Václav in Starý Ždánice

This church, which is architecturally similar to the one in nearby Opatovice nad Labem, is listed as a parish in 1358. At that time, after the death of vicar Diviš, priest Mikuláš was appointed vicar in Ždánice by the abbot of Opatovice and the brothers Neustupa, Všeta and Svinka from Ždánice, who they had the right to file. Today, however, we no longer know when the object was built exactly. However, we can put its construction in the 1st half...
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Other places in the vicinity - Church of St. Václav in Starý Ždánice

Church of St. Václav in Starý Ždánice

Church of St. Václav in Starý Ždánice

Cemetery (Staré Ždánice, 16.7.2017)

Cemetery in Staré Ždánice

School (Staré Ždánice, 30.7.2017/XNUMX/XNUMX)

School in Staré Ždánice

Land reform monument (Čeperka)

Land reform monument in Čeperka

Podulšany - church of St. Nicholas

Podulšany - church of St. Nicholas

Church of St. Nicholas, bishop (Podůlšany)

Church of St. Mikuláš, bishop in Podůlšany

Koňák Pond (Staré Ždánice, 1.10.2021/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Modifications of the village in Staré Ždánice in 1936-1938

Staré Ždánice No. 11

Old Ždánice

Dorset No. 29


Podulšany No. 16


Pond Oplatil I (Staré Ždánice)

He reciprocated

The pond retaliated