Konstantinovy ​​Lázně and trips around the area

Konstantinovy ​​Lázně is a well-known spa for rehabilitation after heart and musculoskeletal operations. My partner also ended up there after a valve replacement. We know it's a nice village, it's not far from Pilsen, but we practically don't know its surroundings, or we didn't know However, I got to know him almost perfectly last year before Christmas. Konstantinovy ​​Lázně, our smallest spa, is located in western Bohemia,…
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Other places in the vicinity - Konstantinovy ​​Lázně and trips around the area

Prusík's Spring - Konstantinovy ​​Lázně

Prusík spring


Konstantinovy ​​Lazne


From Konstantinovy ​​Lázně via Hradišťský vrch

On the top

Falkenštejn castle ruins

Konstantinovy ​​Lázně - spa park

Spa park

Konstantinovy ​​Lázně - Colonnade


Prusík Medical Center

Prusík Medical Center