KNY rock chapel

KNY rock chapel

Jetřichovice - other attractions in the vicinity

Ecce Homo chapel near Rýnartic

Chapel of Ecce Homo.

Weidlich's chapel near Rýnartice

Weidlich's chapel near Rýnartice.

Lipnicka Chapel

Lipnicka Chapel

Niche rock chapel in Dolní Chřibská.

Niche rock chapel in Dolní Chřibská.

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Chapel of the Holy Trinity Doubice

Chapel of the Holy Trinity Doubice

Pond, chapel of St. Joseph

Pond, chapel of St. Joseph.

Chapel of the Holy Trinity near Mikulášovice

Chapel of the Holy Trinity near Mikulášovice.

Holy Trinity Chapel

Mikulášovice - Chapel of the Holy Trinity

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