Josefov - monument to Bozena Němcová

The monument with a bust of Božena Němcová is located in the part of the square between the former military hospital and the Hotel Veselý, where the writer lived in 1838. During his stay with Veselý, B. Němcová's son Hynek was born here. The author of the bust is Professor Josef Kalfus. The square also bears the name of Božena Němcová.
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Other places in the vicinity - Josefov - monument to Božena Němcová

Josefov - former military hospital

Josefov - former military hospital

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Josefov - Church of the Ascension of the Lord

Josefov - fountain

Josefov - fountain

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Fortress town of Josefov

Church of the Ascension of the Lord (Josefov, June 1.6.2020, XNUMX)

Church of the Ascension of the Lord in Josefov

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