Jiřetín - Jablonné in Podještědí

From Jiřetín pod Jedlovová (near Vansdorf) to Jablonné in Podještědí. Wandering through the beautiful, one of the unspoiled mountains of our country. Beautiful nature, many attractions. The first overnight stay took place after Tolštejn (a short distance from Jiřetín) in a tent, it is possible to have refreshments at Tolštejn. Further in the mountains, where possible. The cottage under Luž with a willing owner is certainly worth a visit. Further towards Germany, rock formations e.g.…
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Other places in the vicinity - Jiřetín - Jablonné in Podještědí

Jablonné in Podještědí, náměstí Míru

Jablonné in Podještědí, plague column on Náměstí Míru.

Jablonné in Podještědí, basilica minor

The town of Jablonné in Podještědí.

Saint Zdislava

statues of St. John of Nepomuck and St. Zdislavy

Peace Square

In the footsteps of St. Zdislavy

Basilica from the outside

Minor Basilica of St. Lawrence and St. Zdislavy