Jablonné in Podještědí - monastery and basilica

We are driving a car, we are going to the Giant Mountains, but when we saw an information board on the way that there is a unique minor basilica in Jablonné in Podještědí and that the historical core of the city is a city monument zone, we couldn't resist and stopped. Jablonné in Podještědí is one of the oldest towns in northern Bohemia. It had a convenient location on the trade route from Prague to Lusatia and coins were even minted here until 1300.…
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Other places in the vicinity - Jablonné in Podještědí - monastery and basilica

Basilica from the outside

Minor Basilica of St. Lawrence and St. Zdislavy

Jablonné in Podještědí, basilica minor

The town of Jablonné in Podještědí.

Peace Square

In the footsteps of St. Zdislavy

Chateau Lemberk

Around Lemberk


Lemberk and Zdislavina well

Lemberk Castle, view from the south

Trip to Lemberk Castle.

Saint Zdislava

statues of St. John of Nepomuck and St. Zdislavy

Jablonné in Podještědí, náměstí Míru

Jablonné in Podještědí, plague column on Náměstí Míru.