The ruins of Šelmberk Castle

The ruins of Šelmberk Castle

Běleč - other attractions in the vicinity

0. View of Mladá Vožica from the castle.

Wandering through Mladovožice

0. St. Václav on Žižka square in Mladá Vožica

St. Wenceslas hike around Mladá Vožice

The town of Lukavec and the crossroads

The town of Lukavec and the crossroads

Educational trail - With a knight to Blaník

Educational trail - With a knight to Blaník

The town of Lukavec and the mushroom, which is in the park all year round

The town of Lukavec and the mushroom, which is in the park all year round

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The town of Lukavec and the Jewish cemetery

The town of Lukavec and the Jewish cemetery

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