Hodonín - bus station

It is located in the middle of the city and directly connects to its historical part. It is located about 200 m from the train station. All long-distance bus routes, as well as those in the Hodonín region, depart from here.
Schedule of bus routes on the IDS JMK-southeast map
Tourist map KČT 1:50 No. 000 Slovácko-Hodonínsko/C91
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Other places in the vicinity - Hodonín - bus station

Earthenware sculpture in the area in front of the station

Hodonín - stoneware sculpture in front of the station

Bažantnice Hodonín housing estate

Around Hodonín

Tourist crossroads Hodonín, railway station

Tourist crossroads Hodonín, railway station

Hodonín - monument to TG Masaryk - 2011

Hodonín - monument to TG Masaryk

Gallery of Fine Arts Hodonín

Gallery of Fine Arts Hodonín

Morava River in Hodonín, winter 2006


St. John

short bike ride around Hodonín

Hodonín - Merry Orchestra

Hodonín - Merry Orchestra