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The youngest urban monument reserve in the Czech Republic forms one of the imaginary peaks of the world-famous West Bohemian spa triangle. The beautiful spa town is made up of a unique complex of classicist buildings, surrounded on all sides by extensive parks, forest parks and water bodies.
The city, founded at the end of the 18th century around the Franciscan Spring, abounds in a rich history, connected mainly with…
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Františkovy Lázně - Horní Lomany, church of St. Jacob the Greater

Františkovy Lázně, church of St. Jacob the Greater.

Nový Drahov bus stop

Nový Drahov railway station.

Soos, behind the reservation entrance

Autumn in the Soos nature reserve.

Cheb Christmas markets, source:

Cheb Christmas markets 2021

Interjet, source:

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Františkovy Lázně, colonnade

The magical Františkovy Lázně.