Ducal Rotunda of the Virgin Mary and St Catherine


Hradní 1, 669 02 Znojmo


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Other places nearby - Ducal Rotunda of the Virgin Mary and St Catherine

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Znojmo Castle

Znojmo - view from the castle

Znojmo - view from the castle

The castle lookout is located on the castle terrace in front of the rotunda of St. Catherine

Znojmo - castle view

Wine shop of Znojmo wines

Wine shop of Znojmo wines

Znojmo - the main tourist guide

Znojmo - the main tourist guide

Znojmo - Karolina Sady

Znojmo - Karoliny Sady and Paradise Garden

In the courtyard of the building

Znojmo - castle

Znojmo - Lookout on Přemyslovců street

Znojmo - Lookout on Přemyslovců street