Drábské svetničky-Klamorna-Žabakor

From Tanvald, we moved by railway to Březina nad Jizerou - the first written mention of the village comes from 1225, which is located southwest of Turnov, on the Turnov-Mladá Boleslav line. From the train stop, we take the yellow road to the nearby Příhrazské skály, whose dominant feature is certainly the ruins of the Drábská světnička Rock Castle. Along the way, we pass through a rock gap known as the Cold Passage.
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Other places in the vicinity - Drábské světničky-Klamorna-Žabakor

Drábské Rooms

Drábské Rooms

Drábské Rooms

for the views of Drábské světničky

Cold passage

Cold passage



Behind the beautiful views and rocks, around Drábské světniček

Behind the beautiful views and rocks, around Drábské světniček

Drábská světnička tourist crossroads

Drábská světničky tourist crossroads