"Dobrý kafe" - a roastery and cafe on wheels in the village of Pouzdřany

During one of the trips in southern Moravia, we passed through the village of Pouzdřany. If it weren't for the sign at the intersection, we would have missed it. And that would be a great shame, because just off the main road we discovered something wonderful. Coffee bar on wheels.
"Husband isn't there????"
"We don't see anyone here. It looks like a convenience store.”
"That's not possible! Wait please."
I guess there was a phone call going on with a lady who was…
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Other places in the vicinity - "Dobrý kafe" - roastery and cafe on wheels in the village of Pouzdřany



The first railway accident, or how I searched in Vranovice and did not find it

The first railway accident, or how I searched in Vranovice and did not find it



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Pouzdřany tourist crossroads

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