Falcon Hill

Falcon Hill

Good - other attractions in the vicinity

Huntířov, Františkův vrch - windmill

Huntířov, Františkův vrch - windmill

Falcon Hill

Sokolí vrch near Dobrná

A signpost in the background with a lookout tower.

Lookout tower Sokolí vrch near Dobrná.

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The square with the plague column in Benešov nad Ploučnicí

Marian column on the square in Benešov nad Ploučnicí

Reconciliation Cross of Březina.

Reconciliation Cross of Březina.

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Tambuš waterfalls

Tambuš waterfalls

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Pulmonary Viewpoint

Pulmonary Viewpoint

Church of St. Martin

Markvartice (Děčín district) - St. Martin's Church

Velen cascades

Velen cascades

Olešský pond

Olešský pond

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Schiller's Oak on Kvádrberk

Schiller's Oak on Kvádrberk

Red oak on Kvádrberk

Red oak on Kvádrberk

Monument to Franz Schubert on Kvádrberk.

Monument to Franz Schubert on Kvádrberk.

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