To Lešná Zoo for a tour of the castle

I first saw his romantic silhouette on a school trip in the first grade. I don't even remember exactly when the tour of its interiors was also marked as number one (oh, the old man's dementia!), but thank God I know exactly when I was last in the castle. It was almost twenty years ago with my wife, so it was time to repeat his visit...
One Tuesday in June this year, the temperatures finally…
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Other places in the vicinity - To Lešná Zoo for a tour of the castle

evening bat

Lešná Castle in the Zlín Zoo is a refuge for woodpeckers and bats

Lešná Castle in the ZOO area, author: markyz63

14th stage of 10 steps ZOO Lešná – Svatý Hostýn

Happy pictures from the ZOO

Happy pictures from the ZOO

The ruins of the Lukov castle

Lukov Castle ruins and ZOO Lešná near Zlín

small Humboldt penguins, sometimes also called one-banded penguins

Lešná ZOO

From Zlín to distant Ethiopia... (ZOO Lešná)

From Zlín to distant Ethiopia... (ZOO Lešná)