Miletín - Educational trail of KJ Erben

Miletín - Educational trail of KJ Erben

Miletín - other attractions in the vicinity

Dachova swimming pool

Dachova swimming pool

To Zvičina from Třebihoště

To Zvičin from Třebihoště "the path for four-leaf clovers"

lookout tower at Hořické Chlum

lookout tower at Hořické Chlum

Gothard - portal of the new cemetery


Hořice - Smetana orchards

Hořice - a city of stone beauty

Byšičky - church of St. Peter and Paul


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Educational trail In the footsteps of KV Raise

Zvičina - view of the Giant Mountains


Bílá Třemesná

Hotel Lazeňský dům

Spa Bělohrad

dam Les Královstvi

dam Les Královstvi



Dvur Králové - Church of St. John the Baptist

Dvur Králové - not only the ZOO


the ruins of Pecka Castle

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The Hřidelecká Hůra volcano

The Hřidelecká Hůra volcano

Hřideleck mountain

Hřideleck mountain

Konechlumí - church of St. Peter and Paul

from Konecchlumí via Chlumy to Hořice

Braun's Nativity Scene

A trip perpendicular to Braun's Bethlehem

Hořiněves - birthplace of Václav Hanka


Braun's nativity scene - the hermit Garinus

Braun's nativity scene

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