Chýnovská cave, a unique wintering place for bats

One of the first caves opened to the public in Bohemia and Moravia is sometimes aptly nicknamed Malována. Large karst spaces with interestingly colored walls and ceilings have been enchanting visitors for more than 150 years and also attract winged guests from the wider area. Up to ten species of bats hibernate here, and it is one of the largest known wintering grounds of the ciliated bat in our country.
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Other places in the vicinity - Chýnovská cave, a unique wintering place for bats

Chýnov Cave

Chýnov Cave

Beehive by the cave

Chýnov Cave

The historic town of Chýnov and the underappreciated artist František Bílek

The historic town of Chýnov and the underappreciated artist František Bílek

National natural monument Chýnovská jeskyně

National natural monument Chýnovská jeskyně

0. The source of the river Trnava (Trnávky), the length of which is 56,3 km.

Hike to the spring of Trnávky

0. View of part of the valley.

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Chýnov Cave

Chýnov Cave

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Chýnov - railway station

