Chlumec nad Cidlinou - Marian column

The Chlumecky Marian column is located on the eastern side of today's Klicper square. It was built by Václav Norbert Oktavián Count Kinský in 1710 to celebrate the victory of the troops of Emperor Joseph I and his allies over the French army of Louis XIV for the Spanish inheritance. The column is apparently the work of the sculptor FM Katterbauer. On the Column is the original statue of St. Jachyma, St. Anne, St. Joseph and St. Simeon.
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Chlumec nad Cidlinou - church of St. Voršilas

Prague No. 82 (Chlumec nad Cidlinou, 5.6.2022 June XNUMX)

District or Pension house in Chlumec nad Cidlinou

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