Cerekvice nad Bystřicí - train stop

Railway stop-starting point to a nice village with many historical monuments
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Other places in the vicinity - Cerekvice nad Bystřicí - train stop

One of the damaged houses in Třebovětice (1909)

The disaster in Třebovětice in 1909

Castle (Cerekvice nad Bystřicí)

Castle in Cerekvica nad Bystřicí

Statue of the Virgin Mary (Hněvčeves, 20.6.2021)

Statue of the Virgin Mary in Hněvčevs

Church of St. George the Martyr (Hněvčeves)

Church of St. George, martyr in Hněvčevs

Birthplace of JUDr. Jana Podlipného No. 11 (Hněvčeves, 24.5.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Establishment of a memorial plaque JUDr. Jan Podlipny in Hněvčevs in 1923

Anger (4.6.2019)

You are angry

Parsonage (Hněvčeves, 24.5.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Rectory in Hněvčevs

Castle: The main facade of the castle

Cerekvice above Bystřicí