Church people


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The village of Čerčany is located in the district of Benešov. It has 2671 inhabitants and the cadastral territory of the village has an area of ​​644 ha. Currently, the village of Čerčany with the settlements of Vysoká Lhota, Jericho and Nové Městečko has a total of 1028 houses and buildings (including recreational ones) and on 1.1.2002/2632/300 it had XNUMX inhabitants (therefore it is not a town). , are the natural center of central Posázaví. Their…
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Other places in the vicinity - Čerčany

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Posázaví /Cerčany - Rataje nad Sázavou region/

0. The ruins of the Zlenice castle, the tower called Hláska.

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Poříčí nad Sázavou – church of St. Havel

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