Holasek Lakes

Holasek Lakes

Chrlice - other attractions in the vicinity

Zavodiste Dvorska

Zavodiste Dvorska

By train to the Advent markets in Brno

By train to the Advent markets in Brno

Chernivtsi grove

Chernivtsi grove

Step aboard the legendary Titanic

Step aboard the legendary Titanic

Crossroads over Omicei

Around the river Bobrava

commerce that sells every exhibition

Look, dude, Warhol is back in Šalingrad or In the depths of my garden (Brno)

Are you looking for accommodation in Chrlice?
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Mahen's Theatre

Moravian Provincial Museum and the city of Brno

Rajhrad monastery

Around the Vojkovice drive from Rajhrad to Vojkovice

Eldorado Amusement Park

Cross-country skiing from Brno to Křtin

mound of peace

In the footsteps of the Battle of the Three Emperors

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