Bustěhrad, view to the north

The road from Buštěhrad to Číčovice leads from the beginning along the plateau. A little outside the city, it offers a view of Poohří and Polabí with the Český středohoří in the background. And when it clears and the visibility is good, you can see Bezděz and the Ještěd ridge in the distance
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Other places in the vicinity - Buštěhrad, view to the north

Středokluky, pond Pod Panskou, in the background the church of St. Procopius

Středokluky, Pod Panskou pond

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Sředokluky, monument to the fallen I. and II. world war

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Středokluky, Church of St. Procopius

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Bustěhrad - castle

Bustěhrad castle

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