Biocenter "Na Černé" pod Bor

The location "Na Černé" is located north of the village of Bor, which today is divided into 2 parts, the first of which belongs to Dolní Přím and the second to Všestarů. In the same way, it is also divided between the two municipalities, while this name, which was derived according to the characteristics of the local soil, was already used in the 17th and 18th centuries and can be found, for example, in the urbary of the Přím manor from 1740, when this places called "On…
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Other places in the vicinity - Biocenter "Na Černé" pod Borem

Chapel of St. Františka (Probluz, 17.4.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Manor water supply from Probluz to Dolní Přím

Probluz No. 13 (31.8.2019)

Travel inn in Probluz

Bellflower (Rosnice, 31.3.2017)

Bell tower in Rosnice

Statue of the Virgin Mary (Rosnice, 31.3.2017)

Statue of the Virgin Mary in Rosnice

At the inn (Rosnice, 31.3.2017)

How the October coup of 1918 took place in Rosnice near Hradec Králové

The area of ​​the castle and former farm from Horní Přím (Dolní Přím, 1.6.2021)

Defunct manor brewery in Dolní Přím

Žižek's table

Žižek's table

Parsonage (Probluz, 27.4.2020/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Parsonage in Probluz

Probluz - a set of monuments to the battle of 1866

Probluz - monuments of the battle of 1866