Bílina - Spa Kyselka - Building - Forest cafe Kafáč

A popular place for visitors to the Kyselka spa in Bílina is the famous forest cafe called Kafáč, which is more than a hundred years old. The building is interesting because this wooden forest cafe originally stood at the regional jubilee exhibition in Prague in 1891 as a hunting lodge. The then prince Lobkovicz liked it so much that he bought it and had it transported by rail to Bílina. In the following…
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Other places in the vicinity - Bílina - Spa Kyselka - Building - Forest cafe Kafáč

musical gazebo

Bílina - Spa Kyselka - Music gazebo


Bílina - Spa Kyselka - Inhalatorium building

Commemorative plaque of Johann Wolfgang Goethe

Commemorative plaque of Johann Wolfgang Goethe

facade of the main building from the east side

Bílina - Spa Kyselka - Spa building Bílina kyselka

The Reuss Monument

The Reuss Monument

the Reuss monument

Bílina - Lázně Kyselka - Reuss Memorial

Forest cafe

Forest cafe - Bílina

Spa Bílina: main spa building

Bílina - spa

Bílinská kyselka.

Bílinská kyselka.

The spring of Bílinská kyselka

The spring of Bílinská kyselka