Beskydy - ridge from Trojačka to Dlouhá

We are going on a day trip along the mountain ridge, which starts above the village of Hodslavice.
We will travel to Hodslavice by ČD train, because it is the beginning of our trip
it is in a different place than the end of our tour. During this year's August vacation, we took a ridge hike along the ridge,
which stretches from the top of Trojaček and ends at Velký Javorník. We are
they didn't go through the whole ridge and we ended up on Dlouhá hill.
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Other places in the vicinity - Beskydy - ridge from Trojačka to Dlouhá

Springs of Zrzávka

Springs of Zrzávka

Vsetín hills: Medůvka-Bystřička dam

Vsetín hills: Medůvka-Bystřička dam

Domoraz meadows

Domoraz meadows

Hike to Velký Javorník (Beskydy)

Hike to Velký Javorník (Beskydy)

Signs Huštýn Rozcesti direction Velký Javorník

Beskydy from Mořkov

Krátká peak from Dlouhá peak: View of Krátká peak from Dlouhá peak


From the signpost to Jehlicná

Trojačka Crossroads

From Trojačka roz. to Trojačka ridge

Triplet - crest

From the signpost to the monument

A triplet

Domorac - road

Domorac - road



God's torment at the crossroads

Jehličná crossroads