Běšiny, a monument to those who died in the World War.

The monument is located in the village between the parsonage and the church. It stands on a smaller plinth. It is a roughly worked stone, at the head of which is a black plate with the names of the fallen. There are 31 names, 27 were fallen and another 4 died shortly after returning. Around the monument there is a low wooden fence and some greenery.
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Other places in the vicinity - Běšiny, monument to those who died in World War.

Běšiny, monument to Master Jan Hus

Běšiny, monument to Master Jan Hus.

Běšiny, monument to the transport of death

Běšiny, monument to the transport of death.

Běšiny, view of the church from the castle

Běšiny, Church of the Visitation of the Virgin Mary.

Běšiny, west side of the castle

Běšiny, castle.

Běšiny, railway station

Běšiny railway station.

Tasks, chapel of St. Peter and Paul

Tasks, chapel of St. Peter and Paul.

Běšiny, Žižka linden

Běšiny, Žižka linden.

New pond, view of the west bank

Běšin ponds.

