Benešov, Jewish cemeteries.

There are two Jewish cemeteries in the city. The older one was founded in the 17th century. It is located at the border of the old and new parts of the city at Nová Pražská street. Its area is 760 m2 and there is a lower brick wall around it. After 1980, the cemetery was transformed into a park and several tombstones were left here. Some tombstones were allegedly moved to a new cemetery, I did not find out what happened to the others.…
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Other places in the vicinity - Benešov, Jewish cemeteries.

Benešov, church of St. Nicholas

Benešov, church of St. Nicholas.

Benešov, Masaryk Square - Palace of Justice

Benešov, Masaryk square.

Benešov, church of St. Anne

Benešov, church of St. Anne.

St. Anne's Church on Masaryk Square

Church of St. Anne

From the east

Lower bell tower

From the cemetery

Church of Saint Nicholas

Benešov, view from the platform

Benešov, train station.

Benešov, torso of the church from the east

Benešov, ruins of the monastery church.

Benešov, torso of the monastery church

Trip to Benešov.

Signpost on Masaryk Square

Crossroads at Masaryk Square

Benešov swimming pool

