Benešov, church of St. Nicholas.

It is the oldest sacral building in the city. Originally, this early Gothic sanctuary was to have three naves, which would be connected by a presbytery on the east side. There were to be two tall towers in the western facade. However, this plan was not fully realized. In 1420, the church burned down and was rebuilt in the late Gothic style. During this reconstruction, the western part of the church was significantly shortened. The shape of the church was partly changed by…
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Other places in the vicinity - Benešov, church of St. Nicholas.

Benešov, the old Jewish cemetery

Benešov, Jewish cemeteries.

Benešov, Masaryk Square - Palace of Justice

Benešov, Masaryk square.

Benešov, church of St. Anne

Benešov, church of St. Anne.

St. Anne's Church on Masaryk Square

Church of St. Anne

From the east

Lower bell tower

From the cemetery

Church of Saint Nicholas

Benešov, view from the platform

Benešov, train station.

Benešov, torso of the church from the east

Benešov, ruins of the monastery church.

Benešov, torso of the monastery church

Trip to Benešov.

Signpost on Masaryk Square

Crossroads at Masaryk Square

Benešov swimming pool

