Vyškov - K.Farský choir building

Vyškov - K.Farský choir building

Vyškov - gymnasium building

Vyškov - gymnasium building

Boarding house in Vyškov

Boarding house in Vyškov

Vyškov - other attractions in the vicinity

Gravel dons in Roštěnice

Gravel houses in Roštěnice in the Vyškov region

A house with a barn in Kučerov

Gravel house in Kučerov

Gravel house No. 33 in Lysovice

Gravel houses in Lysovice in the Vyškov region

The old (original) parsonage in Bohdalice

The old (original) parsonage in Bohdalice

Monuments of the village of Rychtářov

Monuments of the village of Rychtářov

Other villages in the vicinity of Vyškov

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