Andělka, the intersection of the 51st parallel and the 15th meridian.

The above-mentioned place is located approximately 700 meters from the bus stop in Andělka. From the stop, follow the road to Višňová. It goes into the valley and after a short climb there are farm buildings on the left side of the road. A straight line follows, from which after a few tens of meters it turns left to the intersection. It is made up of several stones, the stone in the center should stand at the junction of the meridian and the parallel. Around…
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Other places in the vicinity - Andělka, the intersection of the 51st parallel and the 15th meridian.

Angel, Liberation Monument

Angel, Liberation Monument.

Angel, church of St. Anne

The village of Andělka and the church of St. Anne.

Angel, Reconciliation Cross

Angel, Reconciliation Cross.

Pagan stones near Višňová

Pagan stones near Višňová.

Višňová, church of St. Spirit

Višňová, church of St. Spirit and its surroundings.

Village, hydroelectric power plant

Hydroelectric power plant in the village of Víska.

Village, church of St. Lawrence

A village, a municipality in the north of the Frydlant ridge.

Poustecký elm: memorial tree - elm vine in Poustek in 7/2005

Poustka near Frýdlant

Open-air museum Pertoltice

Open-air museum Pertoltice

Viška, monument to the fallen

Monument to the fallen in the village of Víska.

Viška, protector oak

Oak protector in the village of Víska.

Viška, monument to the crew of an American bomber

Monument to the crew of the American bomber in Víska.