Aqueduct at Dolní Chřibská.

It is raining lightly from the black-gray sky and the trip to the rocks is postponed. Sitting in a guesthouse is also out of the question, so we are looking for an alternative destination near Dolní Chřibská. The map shows us the aqueduct above Chřibská Kamenice, to which it would be less than a kilometer. This can be done even in the rain. We start from the guesthouse U Vyhlídky along the road to Jetřichovice. The rain has turned to a light drizzle and it is quite warm. We pass by several…
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Other places in the vicinity - Aqueduct near Dolní Chřibská.

Niche rock chapel in Dolní Chřibská.

Niche rock chapel in Dolní Chřibská.

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Dolní Chřibská, rock lookout view from the north

Rock lookout in Dolní Chřibská.

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Weidlich's chapel near Rýnartice.

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By the pillar

Rynartice - Pavlínina údolí - Grieselův pond - Jetřichovice

Rynartice - Pavlínina údolí - Grieselův pond - Jetřichovice